

To run software on Oculus with Linux OS, download and unpack the OCULUS FULL package.

You’ll need rxtx java libraries for serial over USB connection to Oculus hardware (even if if you don’t have Oculus hardware attached). Download from here. Extract only the appropriate “” from under the Linux subfolder, and put it in ../jre/lib/[machine type] (i386 for instance). If you don’t know your JRE path you can use the javaHome utility under /Oculus (type “java javaHOME”).

To run, from within the /Oculus folder enter “” NOTE: in some installations of Ubuntu 12.04, apparently you have to run the app as root, to be able to access the USB ports (or, change permissions of the ports under /dev eg., /dev/ttyUSB0 )

The Oculus software uses Adobe Flash browser plugin for video streaming and communications. You need to get your webcam (and microphone too, ideally) operating in Flash. In some versions the Flash “settings” context menu is disabled, so you have to go to “Global Settings” and set “always allow” webcam/mic access from domain

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