THE oculus_settings.txt CONFIG FILE
The oculus_settings.txt file is located under /Oculus/conf/, and contains all settings pertaining to Oculus. This file is generally maintained by the application but a few advanced settings are changed manually. It is split into 3 sections: ‘GUI Settings,’ ‘Manual Settings,’ and ‘User List.’
GUI settings are set within the application itself, as is the user list. Each line represents a single value, with the setting name, followed by a space, then the value.
If the file is deleted, or ‘restore factory settings’ is selected from initialize.html, it is re-generated with default values, on application restart.
skipsetup yes | no
indicates whether the server application starts by launching initialize.html, or server.html. After initial setup, typically server.html is always launched
speedslow {INT}
(0-255) PWM value used by ArduinOculus to drive the wheel motors at slow speed
speedmed {INT}
(0-255) PWM value used by ArduinOculus to drive the wheel motors at medium speed. (speedfast is always 255)
steeringcomp {INT}
(0-255) used to set wheel motors steering compensation, 128 is no compensation
camservohoriz {INT}
(0-255) mirror tilt servo position at horizontal
camposmax {INT}
(0-255) maximum mirror tilt servo position
camposmin {INT}
(0-255) minimum mirror tilt servo position
nudgedelay {INT}
time in milliseconds for wheel motors nudge move
docktarget {STRING}
dock calibration proportions/metrics
vidctroffset {INT}
manual dock line offset from center, in pixels
vlow {INT}
low video settings width, height, fps, and bandwidth(0-100)
vmed {INT}
medium video settings width, height, fps, and bandwidth(0-100)
vhigh {INT}
high video settings width, height, fps, and bandwidth(0-100)
vfull {INT}
full video settings width, height, fps, and bandwidth(0-100)
vcustom {INT}
custom video settings width, height, fps, and bandwidth(0-100)
vset {STRING}
current video setting
maxclicknudgedelay {INT}
Clicksteer time in milliseconds for wheels to shift video image horizontally from the center to the very left or right edge of the screen
clicknudgemomentummult {DOUBLE}
Momentum multiplier affecting horizontal clicksteer accuracy
maxclickcam {INT}
vertical (mirror tilt) clicksteer setting
muteonrovmove true | false
mutes robot mic on wheel motor movement
videoscale {INT}
scale of web browser client video
volume {INT}
(percent) system volume
holdservo true | false
mirror tilt servo power brakes
loginnotify true | false
controls voice synthesizer announcement of user login
reboot true | false
set to reboot laptop every 48 hours (Windows only)
selfmicpushtotalk true | false
enable/disable push ‘T’ to un-mute self mic in web browser client
email_smtp_server {STRING}
SMTP server for outgoing email. ‘Disabled’ if unused
email_smtp_port {STRING}
SMTP server port for outgoing email
email_username {STRING}
username if SMTP server for outgoing email requires authorization. ‘Disabled’ if unused
email_password {STRING}
password if SMTP server for outgoing email requires authorization. ‘Disabled’ if unused. WARNING: PLAIN TEXT
email_from_address {STRING}
return email address for outgoing email. ‘Disabled’ if unused
developer true | false
enable (alpha) developer features
debugenabled true | false
enable verbose logging
commandport {INT}
TCP port for socket client connection. ‘Disabled’ if unused
stopdelay {INT}
time in milliseconds for wheels to come to full stop from max speed
vself {INT}
web browser client self video settings width, height, fps, and bandwidth(0-100)
arduinoculus {STRING}
ArduinOculus microcontroller serial port. Set to ‘discovery’ for auto-detection, ‘disabled,’ or port name
oculed {STRING}
OcuLED Lights serial port. Set to ‘discovery’ for auto-detection, ‘disabled,’ or port name
salt {STRING}
randomly generated key used in password encryption
user0 {STRING}
admin username
pass0 {STRING}
admin password, encrypted
user1..2..3.. {STRING}
additional usernames (non admin)
pass1..2..3.. {STRING}
additional passwords, encrypted (non admin)