STATE Variable Reference
STATE variables are used extensively by the Oculus Java application to store real-time information about the current status, or state, of the robot’s various functions and systems. Some are very handy to access from the Telnet Programming Interface, when programming the robot via an external script. The ‘state’ command description is as follows:
state (optional) {STRING} (optional) {STRING}
Uses format: key, or key value
If called with no arguments: returns list of all non-null robot STATE variables
If called with one argument: returns value for single key
If called with two arguments: sets key to value
Whenever a state variable changes, it is immediately written to the telnet output stream, preceded by the <state>
tag. External scripts can set up event-handlers to react to these.
State Variable Groups:
RTMP Users
firmware {STRING}
Name returned by microcontroller connected to motors (typically ArduinOculus, which returns ‘OculusDC’)
serialport {STRING}
Name of serial-over-USB port communicating with microcontroller connected to motors
motionenabled {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if wheel motors are allowed to move (typically FALSE when docked)
speed {STRING}
Current motor speed setting
tempdirection {STRING}
Temporary direction of motion, used by wheel movement macros
moving {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if wheel motors are moving
sliding {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if ‘slide’ wheel movement macro is in motion
movingforward {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if motors are moving wheels in forward direction
camservopos {INT}
Actual position, in degrees, of mirror tilt servo motor
dockgrabbusy {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if auto-docking system is in the process of grabbing single frame from video feed, and trying to find the dock target within the image
docking {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if final docking macro is in progress, where robot is moving straight forward in increments, looking for battery charging status
dockstatus {STRING)
Current state of dock. Can be ‘docked,’ ‘un-docked,’ or ‘docking’
autodocking {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if overall auto-docking routine is in progress
dockxsize {INT}
Last detected width of dock target, in pixels (320×240 resolution)
dockslope {FLOAT}
Last detected slope of dock target, in degrees
dockxpos {INT}
Last detected center X position of dock target, in pixels (320×240 resolution)
dockypos {INT}
Last detected center Y position of dock target, in pixels (320×240 resolution)
floodlighton {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if flood light is on
spotlightbrightness {INT}
Brightness of spotlight: 100=full, 0=off
lightport {STRING}
Name of serial-over-USB port communicating with OcuLED lights microcontroller
driver {STRING}
Current driver username, connected via RTMP
logintime {LONG}
Last time driver RTMP client logged in (in milliseconds since epoch)
pendinguserconnected {STRING}
Username of rtmp connected user waiting to be driver/passenger
boottime {LONG}
Time of server application startup (in milliseconds since epoch)
batterystatus {STRING}
Current status of battery. Can be ‘charging’ or ‘draining’
batterylife {INT}
Current battery charge percentage
localaddress {STRING}
IP address of robot system within the local wifi network. NOTE: this value can be inaccurate if the system has networking complexities such as virtual networks, or multiple NICs
externaladdres {STRING}
External IP address of robot system, obtained from ‘’
httpPort {INT}
Robot’s web-server HTTP port (default 5080)
stream {STRING}
Current mode of robot camera/microphone stream. Can be ‘camera,’ ‘camandmic,’ ‘mic,’ or ‘stop’
videosoundmode {STRING}
Video encoding mode employed by robot Flash/Actionscript camera/mic capture. ‘LOW’ refers to h263 video with Nelly-Moser audio, and ‘HIGH’ refers to h264 video with SPEEX audio. This varies automatically depending on the capabilities of various server and client operating systems
driverstream {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if driver (rtmp client) ‘self’ camera/microphone stream is active
muteOnROVmove {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if system is set to mute robot mic on wheel motor movement
volume {INT}
(percent) system volume
framegrabbusy {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if waiting for single-frame pixel data to be fetched from robot Flash/Actionscript camera/mic capture
streamActivityThreshold {STRING}
Current value of video/audio activity thresholds, set by ‘setstreamactivitythreshold’ command
streamActivityThresholdEnabled {LONG}
Time streamActivityThreshold was set (in milliseconds since epoch), NULL if no activity detection is set
motiondetectwatching {BOOLEAN}
TRUE if Java vision motion detection routine is running, set by ‘motiondetectgo’ command
motiondetected {INT}
Value of last Java vision successful motion detection. Higher value means more extreme motion