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Autocrawler - Settings and Configuration File


The autocrawler_settings.txt file is located under 'autocrawler/conf/', and contains (most of) the settings pertaining to operation of the server application. This file is generally maintained by the application but a few settings are changed manually. It is split into 3 sections: ‘GUI Settings,’ ‘Manual Settings,’ and ‘User List.’
GUI settings are set within the web browser remote interface, as is the user list. Manual settings are modified by editing the file, or using the writesetting command.
Each line represents a single value, with the setting name, followed by a space, then the value.
If the file is deleted it is re-generated with default values, on application restart.

GUI Settings     Manual Settings     User List


speedslow {INT}
(0-255) PWM value used by the MALG PCB to drive the wheel motors at slow speed

speedmed {INT}
(0-255) PWM value used by MALG PCB to drive the wheel motors at medium speed. (speedfast is always 255)

camhoriz {INT}
(0-255) camera tilt servo position at horizontal

nudgedelay {INT}
Time in milliseconds for wheel motors nudge move

fullrotationdelay {INT}
Time in milliseconds for wheel motors 360 degree rotation

onemeterdelay {INT}
Time in milliseconds for wheel motors to move forward 1 meter

vlow {INT}
Low video settings width, height, fps, and bandwidth(0-100)

vmed {INT}
Medium video settings width, height, fps, and bandwidth(0-100)

vhigh {INT}
High video settings width, height, fps, and bandwidth(0-100)

vcustom {INT}
Custom video settings width, height, fps, and bandwidth(0-100)

vset {STRING}
Current video setting

maxclicknudgedelay {INT}
Clicksteer time in milliseconds for wheels to shift video image horizontally from the center to the very left or right edge of the screen

steeringcomp L | R {INT}
(eg. 0, L20, R40) Used to set wheel motors steering compensation % speed value, 0 is no compensation, 100 is maximum

maxclickcam {INT}
Vertical (camera tilt) clicksteer setting

volume {INT}
System volume (percent)

loginnotify true | false
Controls voice synthesizer announcement of user login

reboot {INT}
OS reboot interval in hours (regular reboot can improve performance). Only reboots when docked, and if no GUI or telnet users are connected. Set to 0 to disable

redock true | false
Attempt to automatically re-dock if unexpected un-dock, or if abandoned remote session
WARNING: causes unexpected robot movement

email_smtp_server {STRING}
SMTP server for outgoing email. ‘disabled’ if unused

email_smtp_port {STRING}
SMTP server port for outgoing email

email_username {STRING}
Username if SMTP server for outgoing email requires authorization. ‘disabled’ if unused

email_password {STRING}
Password if SMTP server for outgoing email requires authorization. ‘disabled’ if unused. WARNING: stored in plain text

email_from_address {STRING}
Return email address for outgoing email. ‘disabled’ if unused.

email_to_address {STRING}
Email address for the automatic alert system to send messages to. ‘disabled’ if unused.

telnetport {INT}
TCP port for socket client connection. ‘disabled’ if unused, otherwise 4444 is the typical choice.


developer true | false
Enable (alpha) developer menu in web/mobile GUI

debugenabled true | false
Enable verbose/developer logging

malgport enabled | disabled
MALG microcontroller serial port. Set to ‘disabled’ to disable.

powerport enabled | disabled
Xaxxon Power PCB serial port. Set to ‘disabled’ to disable.

wheeldiameter {INT}
Wheel diameter in mm, used with wheel encoder and linear odometry

gyrocomp {DOUBLE}
Gyro data angular compensation multiplier. Auto-set with calibraterotation command

alertsenabled true | false
Send email and create new RSS entry when human action is required

checkaddresses true | false
If true, session login required to access server html content
(Highly recommended to leave this as true)

soundthreshold {INT}
Values equal to or below this trigger an alert when using the sounddetect command and sound waypoint action during patrol routes

motionthreshold {DOUBLE}
Values equal to or below this trigger an alert when using the motion waypoint action during patrol routes. The value represents the ratio of pixels within the full frame that are found to be in motion. Valid range is 0-1.
Used by the motiondetect command

odomlinearpwm {INT}
Used to set the odomlinearpwm state variable on application startup. Value is typically maintained by odometry subsystem

odomturnpwm {INT}
Used to set the odomturnpwm state variable on application startup. Value is typically maintained by odometry subsystem

redockifweakconnection true | false
Attempts auto-redock if power PCB senses a weak connection, or robot is un-docked unexpededly. Should be set to true (unless troubleshooting power issues)
WARNING: causes unexpected robot movement

usearcmoves true | false
Set true to allow ROS navigation the option to move forward and turn at the same time (speeds up auto-navigation)

arcpwmthreshold {INT}
Maximum wheel motor PWM threshold used to automatically set rosarcmove state variable to false. Used for auto floor friction/carpet detection: arc moves are temporarily disabled when auto-driving on high friction surfaces

arcmovecomp {DOUBLE}
Set to lower value to decrease arc move turn radius

undockdistance {DOUBLE}
Distance in meters auto-navigation system initially moves straight forward away from dock, before continuing navigation

redockifweakconnection true | false
Controls whether robot automatically tries to re-dock itself if weak charging connection is detected.
CAUTION: for troubleshooting only, should ALWAYS be set to true to avoid overheating contacts

timedshutdown true | false
Enables ‘drownproofing’ feature. For lost robots that are unable to dock, with no remote help immediately available – instead of the usual powering down completely when the battery is depleted, the PCB will optionally power down the host system only, while leaving the power PCB microcontroller alive, then it will bring the host system back up every hour on the hour for 5 minutes, in case remote help becomes available

lowbattery {INT}
Battery remaining percentage threshold – if battery life is below this, system will skip or cancel navigation route at scheduled time, or will power down the system if robot is un-docked and unattended

camhold true | false
If true, keeps the front depth and RGB camera tilt servo energized for a longer period of time. Useful for older servos with worn gearboxes

webrtcserver {STRING}
Web URL of webrtc signalling server, used to set up video stream between robot and web/mobile clients. See Networking Video and Port Forwarding

webrtcport {INT}
Port for webrtc signalling server, used to set up video stream between robot and web/mobile clients. See Networking Video and Port Forwarding

turnserverlogin {STRING}
Login information for TURN server running on robot, used to relay video stream between robot and web/mobile clients. Format is username:password
See Networking Video and Port Forwarding

turnserverport {INT}
Port for TURN server running on robot, used to set up video stream between robot and web/mobile clients. See Networking Video and Port Forwarding

dockangle {DOUBLE}
Angle in degrees used when auto-docking. Positive value favours approach from robot’s right as seen through docking camera. Negative value = left, 0 = straight on

dockoffset {DOUBLE}
Horizontal offset distance in meters from dock charging contacts to docking camera. Set to higher value to increase to robot’s right as seen through docking camera

safeundock true | false
If starting a navigation route or going to a waypoint when docked, enable or disable checking if the path is clear, out to undockdistance in front of the robot

updatelocation {STRING}
Web URL where system looks for software update files. Trailing slash required to indicate folder location – eg., “


salt {STRING}
Randomly generated key used in password encryption

user0 {STRING}
Admin username

pass0 {STRING}
Admin password, encrypted

user1..2..3.. {STRING}
Additional usernames (non admin)

pass1..2..3.. {STRING}
Additional passwords, encrypted (non admin)

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