
Mobile TeleOperator Apps - Development Status

The mobile apps for remote-controlling Oculus Prime and Oculus Laptops Robot kits are getting some much needed attention. We’ve been building all the apps using the Apache Flex SDK, which leverages the Adobe Air runtime to encode and stream live video, and allows us to use mostly-the-same code for both iOS and Android.

Oculus Prime TeleOperator for Android:
-Basic update for latest Android version compatibility, including Lollipop 5.1, completed.
-Separate Adobe Air app is no longer required (air runtime is now built in)
-Download oculusprime_mobile.apk file from
-Source code is now up on github
-New version in development, with auto-navigation dashboard. Release to coincide with the next Oculus Prime Server application update.

Oculus Prime TeleOperator for iOS:
-We have an app functioning for basic remote control, but are holding off on submitting it to iTunes until we’ve added more advanced auto-navigation controls (to coincide with the upcoming Oculus Prime Server update).
-We have a limited number of development versions available for distribution in the meantime, contact us if interested. Or, compile and install your own from source.

Oculus (Laptop) TeleOperator for Android:
-Basic update for latest Android version compatibility, including Lollipop 5.1, completed.
-Separate Adobe Air app is no longer required (air runtime is now built in)
-Download oculus_air.apk file from

Oculus (Laptop) TeleOperator for iOS:
-Legacy app now back up in the Apple App Store (iOS version 6 and earlier only)
-We have the update for iOS 7 & 8 compatibility in final testing, to be submitted to the app store soon.

Posted by xaxxon on April 07, 2015
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