Previously, Xaxxon Oculus Prime robots running Oculusprime Java required a web browser with the Flash plugin for remote control. Now that Adobe Flash is really no longer an option in the latest web browsers, remote control of the robot had become pretty much impossible (unless you’re running an old browser).
The latest software update uses webrtc tech for streaming video and audio, instead of Flash. Unfortunately, the previous OS that shipped with Oculus Prime robots, Xubuntu 16.04, doesn’t support webrtc (at least not the way we’re implementing it) — so a full system wipe and manual OS upgrade and software install is required.
Full install instructions are here:
Aside from fixing video streaming, the update offers lots of minor under-the-hood fixes. A more obvious functionality bonus is the new mobile/phone web browser remote control:

This can be accessed by pointing your device’s web browser to the usual remote control URL, and adding '/mobile.html'
at the end. For example:
If any questions or bug-fix suggestions, please contact us