We’ve once again updated our multi function differential drive robot MALG PCB — it retains the same basic functionality with slightly improved microcontroller power decoupling/smoothing, and a few layout changes.
Gone is the ancient 4 pin Molex jack found in the previous MALG — apparently the original Molex ‘Mate-N-Lok’ style dates back to 1963! The Molex cable was being used simply as a way to get 5V power from a motherboard, and to not be limited by the 500mA maximum supplied through the USB cable. Instead, with the J4205-ITX and J5005-ITX motherboards supplied with Oculus Prime SLAM Navigator robots, we’re now running a single lead from the motherboards’ +5V pin found in its chassis speaker header.
For flexibility we’re staying with use of Pololu daughter boards for the gyro. As well there is now an alternate gyro header for optional use of latest generation Pololu gyros and IMUs.
The photo below is of a heavily modified SLAM Navigator sporting a second MALGv3, equipped with a 9-DOF Pololu AltIMU-10:

It’s running our modified version of the Razor_IMU_9dof ROS package with Attitude Heading Reporting System (AHRS) firmware.
Other changes are:
- Audio jack placement no longer interferes with the USB cable
- Changed to the more common micro-B USB jack
- Omit unused ‘FWD FLD’ LED circuit
- Location change to one mounting hole
For more details and to buy the MALGv3 PCB, with or without gyro daughter board, go to the MALGv3 product page.