Oculus Accessories Unleashed
OCULUS outfitted with light and Xtion 3d Sensor (zoom)
Production on the OcuLED Headlight Accessory is finally underway, and it’s now up for pre-order in our on-line store. This is a truly awesome add-on for Oculus. Complete details, including open-hardware circuit schematics for the Arduino-compatible PCB are here.
We’ve also fashioned a simple mounting bracket for the ASUS Xtion PRO and PRO Live 3D sensors. If you’re interested in one of these brackets, it will start shipping in a few weeks.
If you’re in North America, we’ve noticed ASUS has made the PRO Live variant available at, with the price reduced to $160 – this is great news for Kinect/Primesense enthusiasts.
This sensor combined with Oculus is still recommended for developers only: Oculus software support is still only in the alpha stage, and ASUS seems to be marketing the Xtion Sensors towards developers only for now, as well.
Another great option for developers: if you want to enhance Oculus with advanced computer vision programming capabilities, we’re offering RoboRealm Computer Vision Software at a special reduced price if you combine your order with an Oculus ROV kit!
Posted by xaxxon on March 05, 2012
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